Director - Grant Yansura
Intro 16mm DP - Kevin Horn
1st AC - Mike Lemnitzer
Gaffer - Nick Weber
Directed by Grant Yansura
Cinematography by Kevin Horn & Jake Frank
Post Production by Press Digital Media
Directed by Grant Yansura
Cinematography by Kevin Horn & Jake Frank
Post Production by Press Digital Media
Directed by Grant Yansura
Cinematography by Kevin Horn
Drone Shot by Shane Auckland
Additional Cinematography by Jake Frank
Shot by Kevin Horn & Jake Durham
Edit by Jake Durham
Skate Filming (VX2100) by Kevin Horn
Concept by Travis Wood
Produced, directed, shot and edited by Village Psychic
Special thanks to Steve Nesser, Familia, Fobia crew, Benji Meyer & Tim Fulton
Directed by Spencer Gillespie
16mm by Kevin Horn
Free Skate is an interactive skate video by Eko. This video shows a preview of the game, but to play for yourself, visit:
Directed & Edited by Kevin Horn
Directed & Produced by Kevin Horn (2016)
Directed & Produced by Philip Schwartz, Pete Spooner, & Tim Fulton
Intro Cinematography by Kevin Horn and HYSTK Productions
Behind the Scenes video by Kevin Horn
New Flavors is a 2009 Twin Cities skate flick by Kevin Horn.
Featuring: Max Byers, Hani Shamat, Rayshaun Crawford, Tom Rohrer, George Akande, Peter Edge, and Jeremy Comers.